Some important discovers
1. CPA (Control Points Asking) doesn't include answering for Singleton(s) and Void(s), but do include answering for Singleton Ace(s) or King(s), with 1 important exception:
1. When the Opening or Overcalling bids were over 3NT bid, and the Quest decide to ask for CP, his partner must include in his answer for CP the value of the Void = 6 CP (if any)
Additional Notes:
1. Fp doesn't asks for B# with bi-color in partner's hand, so the Quest better pay attention that when his partner has a 6/5 bi-color, he must assume his partner's B# = 3.0 (despite that in reality it can be sometimes 2.5), respectively when his partner has a 6+/6+ bi-color, usually his B# = 3.5
2. When an opponent use a preemptive bid, immediately lower the game's PL with 0.5, if you don't have a Singleton, a Void or an Ax in that suit. If you do not do that your contract usually will be doomed !
3. When your Play Level (PL) = x.5 (where 'x' is from 1 to 3) you can play Game in Majors on 'x' + 1 Level, but when your PL = x.5 (where 'x' is from 1 to 5) you can play Game in Minors on 'x' Level only !
Rule for the right to use Relays:
The main principle is to check if the play level, PL >= your B# + partner's min B# !
- on 1st level you will need B# = 0.5+ to start the Relays
- on 2nd Level you will need B# = 1.5+ to continue to ask
- on 3rd Level you will need B# = 2.5+ .....
- on 4th Level and up you will need B# = 3+
Rule for using DBL in 2nd sit with a 5+ card suit (unbalanced hand by Fp Rules):
- on 1st level you will need B# = 3.5+ to use DBL
- on 2nd Level you will need also B# = 3.5+ if opp suit was up to 2 DI, but if it was higher you need B# = 4.0+ to use DBL
- on 3rd Level you will need B# = 4.5+ to use DBL
Rule for using DBL in 2nd sit with a balanced hand :
- on 1st level you will need B# = 2.5+ to use DBL
- on 2nd Level you will need also B# = 2.5+ if opp suit was up to 2 DI, but if it was higher you need B# = 3.0+ to use DBL
- on 3rd Level you will need B# = 3.0+ to use DBL
How to find the partner's Singleton King
- If your partner has a Singleton, and you have asked him for CP, always check back his previously shown B# for equality using the information for partner's Aces, Kings and Queens you have obtained after CPA. If you find any difference between his previously shown B# and the B# you calculated by the check back, your partner has a Singleton King !
- The Singleton Kings counts for 0.5, but you must show it like 4 Controls when the Quest asks you for CP !
- Such approach will lower partner's B# with 1.0 automatically, so you will not be in jeopardy of overbidding and later using B# check back you will discover if your partner has a Singleton King.
- To discover a Singleton King after your partner has shown his B# and CP (respectively you have discovered and his EQ), you may recalculate his B# using the info you have obtained
- If the recalculated B# >= of the previously shown exact B#, your partner has a Singleton King and his EQ actually are 2 more than you calculated before by the steps he made for showing his CP
- If the recalculated B# < of the previously shown B#, your partner doesn't have a Singleton King and his EQ will be the same you have calculated before by the steps he made for showing his CP
- Frequently, when you partner has a Singleton, the partner's CP will show to you that he doesn't have any EQ, which will be an obvious signal that he has a Singleton King, because how you know, with a Singleton, partner has at least 1 EQ in the Singleton !
Where are the Equivalent Queens (EQ) hidden ?
- Queen = 1 EQ = 0.5
- 2+ Jacks in a balanced hand or 3+ Jacks in any hand = 1 EQ = 0.5
- Singleton Ace consists 1 EQ = 0.5
- any Singleton (except a Singleton King) = 1 EQ = 0.5
- JT9 combination consists 1 EQ = 0.5
- Ax + Ax combination consists 1 EQ = 0.5
- 3 Doubletons (with max 1 Ace and no other Controls in them) consist 1 EQ = 0.5
- 6/5 or 6/6 bi-colors consists 1 EQ = 0.5
- 7/5+ bi-color consists 2 EQs = 2 * 0.5
- Void consists 2 EQs = 2 * 0.5
- 8/5 bi-color consists 3 EQs = 3 * 0.5 (do not expect such hand, it is just for the record)
In General :
1. When you do not know the exact partner's distribution, you ask for the exact B# and based on it decide the contact's Play Level (PL)
2. When you know the exact partner's distribution, you may use the standard way of asking for B#, then for CP, when the Relay for the exact B# is max up to 4 DI and you probably will have enough space to investigate fully the partners possessions, but if you have to ask for the exact B# with a Relay of 4NT and up, you better previously inform your partner, that in such cases, you will ask directly for CP instead of asking for B# (and calculate partner's B# by yourself). Just do not forget to lower the calculated B# to a whole number if it proved to be calculated to x.5, so use x.5 = x. How you may remember, PL which is x.5 mandatory go down to the whole number of x (except for B# = 3.5 for playing 4 in Majors when you have a S / V in any one of both hands)
1. When you discover your partner's exact distribution and Base Number (B#) and then eventually his CP, you will know the exact number and kind of all of your partner's TOP Honors (Aces + King + Queens) thanks to one of the main Fp discovers. In the cases when your partner showed a 5 - 6 card suit with a Singleton and he used the 1st step answer to show his CP, ALWAYS spend a few seconds for backward check of your partner's previously declared B# using the Fp Counting. In the seldom cases when you find a B#'s difference of 0.5 to 1.0, pay attention that this means your partner has a Singleton King or he may forgot to lower his B# with 0.5 for 4 Equivalent Queens (EQ), especially when you don't have any Queens. In hat case his CP actually will be 2 less than you expect. I he made that error he wont be able to show to you his exact number of CP, so be careful for that possibility for unbalanced hands with a Singleton until your partner become more precise. If you suspect that, immediately lower the partner's CP with 2 !
3. When you think that you will be 1 down, because of the aggressive Fp Counting you will be at least 2 down (except when you have a Trump Super FIT and crazy, sometimes not too crazy distribution). So, NEVER overbid even in equal Vulnerability (not to speak for non-favorable Vulnerability), and pay attention even in favorable Vulnerability !!
4. When the sum of both Play Levels is 6+ always use Penalty Rule of 13, but if you think some of the hands are strongly unbalanced, the Penalty Rule of 13 becomes Penalty Rule of 16 !
5. The sum of both sides Play Levels (PL) is usually 5, but sometimes with unexpected strongly unbalanced hands, the sum may go to max of 8. For example: If you bid 4 in Major and opponents bid 5 in Minor, the sum of both PLs = 9, which is impossible, so immediately penalize them for at least 1 down except when you think both sides has by 12 Trumps each. If that is the case, the sum of both sides PLs will reach the crazy top of 9. This is another way to clarify a successful Penalty Double !
6. If you have 3 + 3 TOP Honors (3K + 3Q or 3A + 3Q, show them separate by bidding in the omit suit starting by higher of them.
Find partner's CP or B# when you know one of them :
1. With 7+ card suit or 6+/5+ bi-color): B# = (CP - 2)/4 or CP = 4*B# + 2
2. With less than 7 card suit or without 6+/5+ bi-color): B# = (CP - 4)/4 or CP = 4*B# + 4
3. For balanced hands when the Aces > than the Kings: B# =(CP - 6)/4 or CP = 4*B# + 6
4. For two suiter (bi-color):
~ B# = CP/4 or CP ~ 4*B# (with a Void or 2 Singletons)
~ B# = CP/4 - 0.5 or CP ~ 4*B# + 2 (without any Void or with only 1 Singleton)
CP step answers without 7+ card suit:
1st step:
CP = 4*B# + 2, also 3 equivalent Queens
2nd step:
CP = 4*B# + 4, also 2 equivalent Queens
3rd step:
CP = 4*B# + 6, also 1 equivalent Queen
4th step:
CP = 4*B# + 8, also 0 equivalent Queens
CP step answers with 7+ card suit:
1st step:
CP = 4*B#, also 4 equivalent Queens
2nd step:
CP = 4*B# + 2, also 3 equivalent Queens
3rd step:
CP = 4*B# + 4, also 2 equivalent Queen
4th step:
CP = 4*B# + 6, also 1 equivalent Queens
5th step:
CP = 4*B# + 8, also 0 equivalent Queens
Force Point Counting (Learn to count your hand in Contract Tricks)
NOTE: The contract tricks are the tricks above the 6 initial tricks which are not counted in the game of bridge.
To find your Contract Tricks (aka your Base Number, B#) 1st find visually Honor(s) with value of 2.0 and DO NOT COUNT THEM, count only the rest !
That will be your B#. The sum of both partners' B#s will supply to you the game's Play Level (PL).
With Fp you have a 100% assurance for any game with PL at least x.5 or a finesse game with PL = x.0 (exception only for 4 in Major games which can be made with PL = 3.5 if you visualize any Singleton in any one of both hands)
For example: When you discover a PL = 6.5 you have a 100% small Slam and you even do not need to check your Control Points (CP), aka Controls. When you discover a PL = 6.0 you will know that you will need a finesse, a favorable attack, a suit breaking 3 by 3, dropping a Honor, a squeeze or end-play the opponents or so to reach such small Slams !
By principle, you will need 32 to 36 CP to make a small Slam, but even with 30 CP you still can make a small Slam:
- if you have 2 very good FITs, both with all 3 TOP Honors or
- a Trump FIT along with two 5 by 2 Misfits, even with 7 by 1 side FIT or
- a Super FIT of 9+ Trumps and one 5 by 2 Misfit with all 3 TOP honors
NOTE: 38 CP are impossible like a combination between Aces and Kings, so if you discover 38 CP because of some duplication of a King opposite a Singleton or a Void opposite an Ace counted improperly, lower them immediately to 36 CP)
Important Note: Surprisingly, 6NT may be done easy with PL >= 6.0, so PL = 5.5 will be a finesse 6NT Slam, of course, in both cases with CP >= 32
- It is not the same with the Grand Slams. To make a 100% Grand Slam in a suit you will need PL >= 7.5 and for 7NT you will need PL >= 8.0 always with all 40 CP !