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Buy "Slam after Slam with Force Point" color eBook & receive a free B & W epub version for mobile devices
50% OFF: Buy 2 Sysnotes programs for you & your partner for the price of one
What the Force Point Bridge System is all about
What more you will need before placing the final contract when you will be able to see through the back of the cards of your partner the length of the colors and where are the TOP Honors ?
Be sincerely at least to yourself, nothing else. It like a Double Dummy Bidding, and that why it is almost perfect. To destroy it, the Opponents must jump on 3rd level in spades immediately and even raise to 4th level. Here is coming the “Penalty Rule of 13”, an original count for the Opponents down tricks.
Just learn how to do that. You will need 3 months to become a Bidding Expert for playing live or 3 days to start Force Point playing on Internet if you use the separate Sysnotes computer program for fast visual checking of the flowing particular Fp and most of the Opponents’ bids for every game. The program will free up hours of time for you to spend learning the system by reading the book only! The Sysnotes program is like a book, you can browse it entering your and opponents'bids with the mouse to find the appropriate bids in conjunction with your distribution very fast.
Whether it’s the copy on a research or a personalized offer on a particular product, you’ll have the ability to receive unique, highly impact-full content allowing you to differentiate this bridge system from the competition.
Sysnotes computer program is used for visual observation of Force Point® bids, which will assist any bridge players in BBO or any other bridge site by the time of play. The computer program is like a book and may be installed on any Windows based phones, tablets or computer, and you may go through it by using your pen or mouse for fast finding the appropriate Fp bids along with the most of the Opponents' bids and overcalls. The program uses a massive 33 MB data file which was filled and corrected for the last 30 years and comes with 8 hours of free explanations in BBO how to use it (if you need it at all). Use this link to download, un-rar, and paste your new Sysnotes folder on your hard drive C:\
No installation needed at all. Upon PayPal confirmation of your payment ($26.10, tax included), your will receive the files for unlocking the Sysnotes program by email. If you didn't provide an email by the time of the purchase, sent one with а "Hello" on the subject line to to make a contact and receive the files.
If you decide to buy "Slam after Slam with Force Point" eBook ($13.05, tax included), upon PayPal confirmation of your payment, you will receive the updated PDF color eBook along with your personal code for unlocking it by email.You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or greater (it is free) to read the eBook.